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Social Work Internship


We have a multidisciplinary team working together to provide solid training and growth opportunities for trainees. Our fast-paced, Counseling Center is housed within the Campus Health Center at NC State University. The strength of our training program includes our dedicated staff, the center’s commitment to training, and our outstanding trainees.

For more information or questions, please contact:
Kelsey McKaplan, MA, LCMHCS
Coordinator of Master’s Level Training

About the Internship

The Counseling Center at NC State offers Practicum and Internship Opportunities for Graduate Students in Social Work who are seeking a clinical field placement.  We prefer individuals are able to make the commitment to do a full academic year of training beginning in Fall and carrying through Spring semester.  Starting dates that do not follow this timeline are available at times, however so you may inquire to see if this option is a possibility. This is an unpaid opportunity but training and supervision are provided.

Our training program accepts talented students from differing programs (i.e., Counseling, Psychology, Social Work) and allows all students to work with senior staff from varying disciplines. Many college counseling centers operate within a multi-disciplinary framework, and our training program is no exception.  We expect a cooperative spirit and enthusiasm to learn from a variety of colleagues (peers, supervisors, senior staff, psychiatrists, and our office staff).

The Counseling Center prioritizes training as a whole, emphasizing opportunities for professional development and continuing education.

Diversity is a core value here at NC State’s Counseling Center. Trainees are encouraged to explore their beliefs, attitudes and skills in order to assess and increase their cultural awareness, cultural humility, and anti-racist practices. Furthermore, the emphasis placed upon personal understanding as part of professional development may require that trainees be asked to consider issues that are somewhat personal in nature. Every effort is made to provide a safe and nurturing environment which respects disclosure and protects trainees’ confidentiality.

In support of the desire to foster cultural awareness, cultural humility and anti-racist practices, the Counseling Center is committed to developing training for staff. The Counseling Center recognizes that factors such as race or ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, religion, and range of ability affect college students’ lives and sometimes present unique challenges. The Counseling Center values each student’s individuality and commits to welcoming all people with respect and sensitivity. Counseling Center staff also attends to their own professional development by participating in training and programs designed to enhance their understanding of the needs of diverse people.

In alignment with the master’s and doctoral level training programs, the practicum and internship are grounded in the Practitioner-Scholar Model. As practitioners, we value the learning that comes through direct service experiences and thoughtful self-reflection. As scholars, we recognize the importance of theory, research, intentionality, and critical thinking.

Key Features of the Social Work Internship

ModalityHybrid Work Arrangement
(In person and remote work)
SemesterAcademic Year Cohort Model
(Starts each fall and ends in April)
The Counseling Center does not offer training opportunities over the summer.


Social Work Internship and Field Placement

Trainees will typically work 24 hours a week over the course of their field placement to meet the hours requirements for their individual programs of study. Schedules will be established at the beginning of each semester. Trainees’ schedules will be influenced by space availability, academic course, and personal commitments. This will more than meet the hours required by your program and will prepare trainees to advance into their Internship experience.

 Your time can be conceptualized in three categories: 

  • direct service
  • training/supervision
  • administrative work
Direct Services Activities:Hours Per Week
Intakes (Personal, Academic & Career)1 – 2
Individual  Counseling Follow-Ups10 +
Outreach Programming0 – 1
Group Counseling1 – 2
Observing Senior Staff0 – 5
Total Direct Service:12 – 15
Training – Supervision Activities:
Individual Supervision (on site)1
Group Supervision1
Training Seminar Topics1
Supervision of Group Counseling0 – 1
Total Training & Supervision:3 – 4
Administrative Activities:
Clinical Notes  & Paperwork1 – 5
Preparation for Supervision1
Outreach Preparation0 – 2 (As needed)
Staff Meeting0 – 1
Professional Development0 – 2
Total Administrative:2 – 10
Approximate Totals:24 +/-

More hours are spent in observing initially, and these hours are replaced by increasing individual counseling appointments as training progresses.

We expect all trainees to take a lunch break when appropriate (when full or most of day is worked).  Self-care is essential for a positive and successful training experience.  Also, trainees are not able to see students after the counseling center is closed, unless the supervisor has agreed to remain and be available.  This does not include educational outreach presentations which may be scheduled after-hours.

Evaluation Procedures

All staff involved in training will give feedback designed to both support and challenge the trainee’s development. This will occur on an ongoing basis during the placement and in supervision meetings. More formal evaluations will be provided to the trainee and the trainee’s home graduate department mid-semester and again at the end of each academic term. The training director will work with the trainees and supervisors to ensure these reviews are completed. Typically, both an internal evaluation form and the form required by the trainee’s home graduate department will be completed.

The areas covered on the written evaluations forms for Masters Level Trainees are:

  • Initial Assessment Skills
  • Crisis Intervention Skills
  • Clinical Skills
  • Professional Standards & Behavior
  • Ethical behavior and practice
  • Case Conceptualization and Diagnosis
  • Treatment Planning and Intervention Skills
  • Use of Supervision and Incorporation of Feedback
  • (Other Job-specific Skills)

Feedback for Supervisors and Training Staff

Feedback should be designed to both support and challenge the trainee’s development. This will occur on an ongoing basis during the placement and in supervision meetings. Trainees will also be asked to evaluate elements of our training program at the conclusion of their training.

Trainees are asked to evaluate the training program in areas of:

  • Treated with professionalism
  • Strength of training
  • Quality of supervision
  • Overall learning
  • Overall skills training
  • Overall support provided
  • Clinical opportunities provided